Friday, May 7, 2010

The madness continues...

...and you thought toothbrushes were just for cleaning teeth? Apparently Jonah finds them very useful in cleaning the bottom of his shoes. Yes, this WAS my toothbrush... until today.
After having our coffee table safely stored away in the garage for the past several years (according to Robert, coffee tables and wobbly toddlers aren't a good combination) I thought I would bring it back in to the living room. Immediately, the boys discovered the new element. First they climbed on top. Of course. But next, my ever so resourceful son decided to use it as a tee to play INDOOR baseball golf. Why not?

Luckily I always keep my camera ready and easily accessible in order to capture these crazy moments. Some might think I have lost my mind... to stop and allow the madness to continue for a few more moments while I zoom and focus... but I know that in twenty years we are going to sit around and enjoy laughing at all the mischievous and comical things these two little guys came up with. I am glad I can sit back, have a sense of humor and move on... well at least that's the case MOST days.
Have a great weekend everybody... and remember to thank your mother. Most likely she had a few of these days in your younger years.

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