Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day... the funniest job on earth!

So I am starting to believe that being a mother is not the hardest, most rewarding job... but the FUNNIEST! Lately in our house, these boys have brought a smile to my face and literally make me laugh out loud.

We have been trying to wean Jonah off the bottle. Doc says he should have been weaned at 12 months, he is now 18 months. We were down to only 2 per day... one at nap, one at bedtime until this last week we had gotten down to just the bedtime bottle. Although there were some tears the first few days, overall he did pretty good. Or should I say I did pretty good standing my ground. I just couldn't handle seeing him cry - oh how he loves his baba!

We needed to buy him new nipples, but were hesitant knowing that soon he would be off the bottle. One by one the nipples had to be thrown out... until last night we realized that we only had one left.

Well, last night Jonah got his last bedtime bottle. Not because we are cutting him off. Not because I am being a consistant mom who follows through. Not because he doesn't want it anymore. It's because he must of savored that one daily bottle so much that he attacked the one and only nipple we had left.

I mean he mutilated it.
He destroyed it.

I hope it was a good one, because I am sorry Jonah,
your baba days have come to an end.
It's a strange thing... you can't wait to see them grow up and watch them become independent beings, but at the same time I will mourn that we no longer have any "babies." No more cribs, no more bottles. Where has the time gone? Who am I kidding... bottle or not, they will always be my babies. As an inspirational fellow blogger once said, "I both lost and found myself the day I became a mother." This is so true for me.

Happy Mother's Day and please take some time today to laugh with your kids...


  1. That made ME laugh out loud!!! What a great story!!

  2. That's hillarious Mariah ... ! Thanks for a GREAT Mother's Day blog post!

  3. too funny mariah. happy mother's day to a wonderful and creative mother!

  4. I know exactly what you mean about wanting them to grow up and be more independent. I remember thinking a couple of years ago, "I can't wait for her to start school so I will have some me time again!" Now that it is only a couple of months away I am so sad that the time with her at home has gone so fast!! I wanted to cry when I took her to the dentist today and they told me she has two loose teeth and will probably lose them in the next few months. NO...I want my baby back!!! Never thought loosing teeth would be such an emotional thing! Treasure your days at home with the boys. They will be gone way to soon!
